Winterizing Your Heating System: A Step-by-Step Guide

Take the time to thoroughly winterize your heating system before the cold winter months approach. Here are some winterization recommendations to help you prepare your HVAC system for the next cold season.

Shut off the water to your home

First and foremost, you must turn off the water supply to your home. You should know where the shutoff valve is, but if you don’t, call your local plumber. Drain your inside pipes as well as the water heater next. Install low temperature and water flow sensors if necessary. Make sure these are connected to an alarm system. If you don’t have the necessary tools, blast air through the pipes with a compressed air compressor. Otherwise, seek assistance from a specialist. Make sure the water supply to the house is turned off before turning off the heating system. You can accomplish this by turning off the valve that goes to the intake and disconnecting the water supply from the water heater.

Insulate exposed pipes

Pipes that run along the exterior of your home or around your garage may be exposed to freezing temperatures during the winter. If you’re not sure which lines are vulnerable, have a qualified technician walk you through it. Insulating your pipes and covering them with other materials can help keep them from freezing. Keeping your garage door closed during the winter is also a good idea. Pool noodles can also be used to cover your pipes for a cheap and quick fix.

Prep Your Furnace

Special attention is required for the heating system. Debris will accumulate throughout the year when the furnace is switched on. To keep the stove running smoothly, vacuum away the dust and dirt particles that have accumulated inside it (and the air quality high).

Change the HVAC filter

The most basic step in winterizing an HVAC system is to change the filter. If you didn’t change your unit’s filters last autumn, it’s vital to get a new or clean filter ready for the winter. Tune-ups for your HVAC system include this service.

Clean the air vents

Make sure the supply and return air vents are clean as you prepare to use your heating system this winter. Inquire with HVAC specialists about the most effective method of vent cleaning. When you’re hurrying to get everything done over the holidays, a heating system tune-up will meet this and other needs.

You may come across jobs that are too time-consuming or hard for you to accomplish as you go through your winterization checklist. For insulation upgrades or an HVAC tune-up, as well as professional advice on getting your home ready for winter, contact Veteran Air.