6 Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning

Ductless air conditioning is perfect if you live in a small space and want a more effective approach to stay cool during the hot summers in Florida. Ductless systems, also known as ductless mini-split systems, are gaining popularity as a more convenient, quieter, and compact way to cool a home. Continue reading to learn how ductless air conditioning can benefit your home in Tavares, Florida.

Includes Fast Installation

If you need new ductwork, installing a standard HVAC system is a complicated and time-consuming operation. Installing a ductless air conditioner, on the other hand, is quicker and eliminates the inconvenience of being without cool air for an extended period of time. A service professional can perform the job in as little as a day for a small home with only a few rooms.

If you’re adding on to your home, ductless air conditioning systems are also a wonderful option. They’re also less expensive than extending your core HVAC system’s ducting to the new addition.

Offers Personalized Comfort

A ductless system can put an end to your family’s heated debates about the temperature in your home. It provides for zoned temperature management by placing units in different parts of the house. Each family member can set the unit in the room they’re in to their preferred temperature, ensuring that everyone is happy and comfortable.

Increases Energy Efficiency

For the following reasons, ductless air conditioning systems are more energy efficient:

  • Rather than cooling the entire house, you can turn off units in rooms that aren’t in use. Your energy consumption and bill will be reduced as a result of this.
  • Traditional HVAC systems are prone to ducting leaks, which lower the unit’s efficiency. A ductless air conditioning system completely eliminates this issue.
  • Most air conditioners have one- or two-speed compressors that cycle on and off to maintain the desired temperature in your home. As a result, they consume more energy. Variable speed compressors in ductless air conditioners make constant changes to keep the home at a consistent temperature. They are more energy efficient because they do not turn on and off during the day.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

A ductless air conditioning system is ideal for improving air quality in your house if anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma. A ductless HVAC system, unlike standard HVAC systems, does not contain ducting that collects dirt, dust, and debris. It has multi-layer filtration that keeps your home clean and healthy by reducing the quantity of pollutants, dust, and allergens that enter it. It also does a better job of dehumidifying the air.

Saves Space

The tiny size of a ductless air conditioning system is one of its best features. Central HVAC systems are huge and complex, and window units are ugly and obtrusive. They take up a lot of room in the basement or attic and necessitate a lot of ductwork.

The indoor air handler and the outdoor condenser/compressor or heat pump make up a ductless system. Up to four indoor air handlers can be connected to one outdoor unit, which is mounted on the wall in each room. Instead of a wall unit, a ceiling cassette can be used for a more inconspicuous option.

Requires Minor Maintenance

To keep your ductless air conditioner in good working order, simply clean the filters, keep the wall unit vents free, and keep the area surrounding the outside unit neat. Unlike typical HVAC systems, you won’t have to worry about cleaning ducting or sealing duct leaks.

Schedule annual checks with your HVAC professional, who will inspect the system thoroughly, detect any problems, and make any necessary repairs. Your ductless air conditioner can last up to 20 years if properly maintained.

If you want to upgrade to a ductless air conditioner, contact us at  (352) 609-2682 for fast and friendly service.