HVAC Servicing – How Regular Maintenance Can Save You Money!

Caucasian HVAC Worker Wearing Safety Harness Checking on Commercial Warehouse Heater Installed on Top of the Building Wall.

Amid the concerns of daily life, most of us aren’t quick to dwell on such prosaic matters as the health of our home’s HVAC system. But if we expect our HVAC systems to keep heating and cooling our homes and not suddenly saddle us with a huge repair bill, we have to keep them as well maintained as we keep our automobiles. To prevent HVAC repairs, seeking HVAC maintenance from a reputable HVAC servicing provider on a regular basis is the key to keeping your HVAC elements in the maintenance phase and out of the repair phase. Below, we list some HVAC elements that require regular maintenance and exactly what that maintenance consists of.

Heating Equipment

Heat pumps, boilers, and oil-fired furnaces require a yearly maintenance check, while cleaner operating gas-fired equipment requires a check-up every other year. But in each case, an HVAC servicing company will inspect for leaks, dirty filters, rust, soot, and corroded electrical contacts, cleaning and replacing parts as necessary. In forced air and hot water boiler systems, the technician will also inspect ductwork or pipes, blowers or pumps, registers or radiators, as well as the fuel line, gas meter, and oil tank where applicable. The technician will also inspect the furnace, heat pump, or boiler parts to check for excessive wear and corrosion. Finally, the technician will check for sufficient draft using smoke pencils and check carbon monoxide levels.


HVAC specialists maintain the blower in forced air systems by lubricating the axel, cleaning the fan blades, sweeping the dust from around the motor, and checking to determine whether the motor is overloaded. The technician will also look for slackness or fraying in the blower’s fan belts. Following the blower inspection, the technician will ensure that the ductwork in the heated area is correctly sealed and that the ducting in the non-heated regions are adequately insulated. The technician will drain the expansion tank, clean and oil the circulating pump, and bleed the air out of the radiators in hot water systems.


80 percent of American homes contain extensive ductwork that snakes through ceilings walls and floors, creating an efficient way to deliver instant heating or cooling. But as innocuous and problem-free as ductwork might seem, it can serve as a repository for dust that, when it combines with a little moisture, creates a breeding ground for dangerous molds and bacteria. While air filters do a good job of preventing dust from reentering the air, they don’t always collect the microscopic mold particles and bacteria that can breed in uncleanly air return ducts. In addition to improving your health, having an HVAC technician perform an air duct cleaning can also lengthen the life span of your furnace by cutting down on the dust that collects amid its inner workings.

Regardless of the style and components of your HVAC system, keeping it regularly maintained through an HVAC maintenance provider is key to avoiding big HVAC repair bills. While energy-efficient HVAC components are often mentioned as cost-saving measures, simply maintaining your present HVAC system can save you the most money of all.