Is the pollen driving you crazy too?

If you’ve moved to Florida from the north, you may regret leaving your snow shovel behind… not for the snow, but for the pollen! It doesn’t take but a step out the front door to see the “blizzard” of pollen taking over our driveways and vehicles. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, we don’t have to tell you that the pollen doesn’t keep to the outside. And that is why we’re here with some tips to deal with allergens inside your home.

1. Use your air conditioner to its fullest potential

Even when the temps are nice, we recommend that you keep your windows and doors closed and turn on your A/C unit. This helps to recirculate the air inside the home. But to really prevent the pollen particles from entering the house, we suggest using HEPA filters and changing them at least once per year. (HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate air [filter]”) and these specialty filters are proven to remove 99.97% of airborne particles. You can find out more here.

2. Keep an eye on your car

If possible, put your car in the garage to avoid the daily dusting of pollen. If you cannot, rinse it off as often as possible.

3. Clean feet, clean house

Most pollen in the house comes in from our shoes (and our pets’ feet). Keep a good rug by your exterior doors and get in the habit of taking off your shoes as you enter. Pets feet should be wiped frequently as well.

4. Use your vacuum properly

Frequent vacuuming can help get rid of spores that have made their way inside. However, be sure to keep your filters clean and to empty your vacuum outside to avoid a sneeze-inducing plume of pollen dust in your home. You might look into purchasing a vacuum cleaner designed specifically for allergen removal. Check out Best Vacuums for Allergy Sufferers from Consumer Reports.

5. Wash, wash, wash

Just what we all want, more laundry, right? Well, washing your bed linens, curtains and pillows will help to rid your home of any pollen that’s made its way past these other defenses.

Don’t worry… pollen season won’t last forever and these tips might make it a bit more manageable. If you need help installing new filters or cleaning your A/C unit, we would love to help. You can find out more on our website here.